At Fibonacci, we take years of investment expertise and experience and focus on one single yet priceless goal: ensuring that we add value to the lives of your staff, customers, communities and ultimately, our planet. As an investor, you are doing more than just investing your money; you are investing in visionaries, disruptors, and leaders by placing your hard-earned assets in the hands of those who are committed to honesty and integrity.

In our ever-changing world, there is one constant: Fibonacci Investment’s commitment to ensuring that your investment portfolio remains on the cutting edge.  That’s why we blend old-world research and tried and tested methods with the latest in AI technology to streamline our business, investment, and analytics process. We integrate proprietary techniques to quantitatively analyse stocks and sectors through multiple factors to whittle down and ensure only the highest quality investment universe.  We then blend multiple independent research houses to create one house view buy list ultimately.

Our fixed-income team aim to achieve a high level of sustainable income while securing steady capital growth. To achieve this objective, they invest in a diversified range of fixed-income instruments over various time periods that include government and corporate institutions.  Careful analysis of the yield curve is consistently done, with various portfolio adjustments taking place to ensure the appropriate amount of modified duration and risk-adjusted exposure to the investors.

So, come to the forefront and access a world of investments that never looks back, is not defined by the past, and looks to the future for new and exciting wealth-creation opportunities.

At Fibonacci, we take years of investment expertise and experience and focus on one single yet priceless goal: ensuring that we add value to the lives of your staff, customers, communities and ultimately, our planet. As an investor, you are doing more than just investing your money; you are investing in visionaries, disruptors, and leaders by placing your hard-earned assets in the hands of those who are committed to honesty and integrity.

In our ever-changing world, there is one constant: Fibonacci Investment’s commitment to ensuring that your investment portfolio remains on the cutting edge.  That’s why we blend old-world research and tried and tested methods with the latest in AI technology to streamline our business, investment, and analytics process. We integrate proprietary techniques to quantitatively analyse stocks and sectors through multiple factors to whittle down and ensure only the highest quality investment universe.  We then blend multiple independent research houses to create one house view buy list ultimately.

Our fixed-income team aim to achieve a high level of sustainable income while securing steady capital growth. To achieve this objective, they invest in a diversified range of fixed-income instruments over various time periods that include government and corporate institutions.  Careful analysis of the yield curve is consistently done, with various portfolio adjustments taking place to ensure the appropriate amount of modified duration and risk-adjusted exposure to the investors.

So, come to the forefront and access a world of investments that never looks back, is not defined by the past, and looks to the future for new and exciting wealth-creation opportunities.

Asset allocation is the primary driver of long-run returns and, hence the majority of our focus in these portfolios. We stick to long-run strategic asset allocation with tactile pivots based on valuations and forward-looking indicators. In general, quality, growth and efficiency are our favoured factors while not losing sight of valuations. Positions are risk-weighted to ensure no undue or unnecessary volatility, and thus, portfolios enjoy quality household names with exiting rising stars with high growth prospects. The various aspects of our bespoke range are often incorporated into the relevant portions of the various portfolios.

Asset allocation is the primary driver of long-run returns and, hence the majority of our focus in these portfolios. We stick to long-run strategic asset allocation with tactile pivots based on valuations and forward-looking indicators. In general, quality, growth and efficiency are our favoured factors while not losing sight of valuations. Positions are risk-weighted to ensure no undue or unnecessary volatility, and thus, portfolios enjoy quality household names with exiting rising stars with high growth prospects. The various aspects of our bespoke range are often incorporated into the relevant portions of the various portfolios.

Our bespoke solutions are primarily equity-based portfolios that we build in conjunction with client requests.  These are customarily built with explicit financial goals in mind and provide an overlay onto our foundation range of portfolios.  These types of portfolios may have certain skews to specific industries, sectors or precise ESG factors. Below are a few exmaples of the types of portfolio’s we can build for you.

Typically, larger cap stocks that have stood the test of time. Stable entrenched management teams, these portfolios are built around the Beta of the market and thus target a volatility similar to the major benchmark indices. Underlying positions have skews to factors such as cashflow, quality, efficiency and growth. These are companies you can buy and forget, pay regular dividends and are well diversified. We consider these types of stocks to be low risk reward with above average performance expectation E.g Microsoft, Accenture, Home Depot.

For the younger or more aggressive investor! These portfolios offer high growth opportunities but thus carry significantly more volatility than the general markets. Emerging stairs that have proven to be disruptors with clear advantages over competitors and proven winners but still have long growth runways to be the next Tesla or Meta. We blend these smaller to mid-cap positions with a few “big brother” more traditional growth stocks. This portfolio typically has higher numbers of positions to diversify away additional company-specific risk. If you want excitement, this is where you want to have a piece of your overall portfolio. Eg MecadoLibre, Shopify, Amazon.

This portfolio is for the investors that want regular dividend, dividend growth in combination with modest above inflation capital appreciation. Companies in this portfolio continued to pay dividends through a global financial crisis or covid and increase dividends each year like clockwork. The portfolio is thus built up around sectors such as property REITS, infrastructure and large multinationals and financial conglomerates that pay healthy dividends. While this portfolio priorities dividend cashflows for the investors both the dividend and the underlying stock is expected to grow to ensure a hedge over inflation for the investor E.g. Simons property, Blackrock, Realty Income.

Our bespoke solutions are primarily equity-based portfolios that we build in conjunction with client requests.  These are customarily built with explicit financial goals in mind and provide an overlay onto our foundation range of portfolios.  These types of portfolios may have certain skews to specific industries, sectors or precise ESG factors. Below are a few exmaples of the types of portfolio’s we can build for you. 

Typically, larger cap stocks that have stood the test of time. Stable entrenched management teams, these portfolios are built around the Beta of the market and thus target a volatility similar to the major benchmark indices. Underlying positions have skews to factors such as cashflow, quality, efficiency and growth. These are companies you can buy and forget, pay regular dividends and are well diversified. We consider these types of stocks to be low risk reward with above average performance expectation E.g Microsoft, Accenture, Home Depot.

For the younger or more aggressive investor! These portfolios offer high growth opportunities but thus carry significantly more volatility than the general markets. Emerging stairs that have proven to be disruptors with clear advantages over competitors and proven winners but still have long growth runways to be the next Tesla or Meta. We blend these smaller to mid-cap positions with a few “big brother” more traditional growth stocks. This portfolio typically has higher numbers of positions to diversify away additional company-specific risk. If you want excitement, this is where you want to have a piece of your overall portfolio. Eg MecadoLibre, Shopify, Amazon.

 This portfolio is for the investors that want regular dividend, dividend growth in combination with modest above inflation capital appreciation. Companies in this portfolio continued to pay dividends through a global financial crisis or covid and increase dividends each year like clockwork. The portfolio is thus built up around sectors such as property REITS, infrastructure and large multinationals and financial conglomerates that pay healthy dividends. While this portfolio priorities dividend cashflows for the investors both the dividend and the underlying stock is expected to grow to ensure a hedge over inflation for the investor E.g. Simons property, Blackrock, Realty Income.